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Congratulations to the Class of 2013! A new chapter in your life is beginning.

One of the Smart ones!

Much of what you have learned in school may never be directly applied to a situation at work but will be a tool you use in determining HOW to move forward with the problem or challenges in your life. Gaining knowledge is never a wasted effort.

So, as your career starts to build. take some advice from people who have climbed the ropes before you.

  1. There is no single “right” or “wrong” way to accomplish your goals. Be true to yourself, try new things, reconsider choices, laugh, cry. It will all work out as long as you are doing something!
  2. Like it or not, you have to learn to deal with assholes. All of us fall in this category from time to time. If you find you are in a situation where you are dealing with chronic assholes – find a new situation. If you find you are being the asshole too often, fix your attitude. Assholes may find their way to the top of the heap once in awhile but they rarely stay there for long.
  3. Live your life so that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you like what you see. Don’t take shortcuts that you are not comfortable with. Treat people the way you should. Do the right thing – it is that simple. Yes, liars, cheaters and thieves will sometimes get more than they have really earned. Truth is, those people eventually mess it up for themselves because they cannot help themselves. So don’t fall into their game.
  4. No one is immune from making mistakes. Take enough risk to make mistakes occasionally, apologize for them, learn from them. And always give those around you permission to make mistakes as well.[youtube=]
  5. Give co-workers and managers the benefit of a doubt. Some people are too quick to judge and it is to their detriment. We can always raise issues that need to be discussed but an ill-informed knee-jerk reaction can cause others to be cautious around you and thwart communication.
  6. Go ahead and get angry once in awhile – and then get over it. Time is precious. Use it for something that will make a positive difference.

There are many young graduates that I’m proud to know. It will be a pleasure watching you grow in your careers.